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Scoring - Handicapping Tab

Win Forfeit Score?
If the Automatic Win if Opposing Team Forfeits check box is unchecked you will be able to specify the offset from the player's average that must be beat to win. For example, consider the following situation. A bowling league using individual handicapping with a scratch score of 180 and a handicap percentage of 70%. A team has five players on it and the opposing team forfeits. You have specified that the win is not automatic. The offset you have entered is 10.

Avg + Hcp  Avg + Hcp-Offset
Jill 160 + 14 = 174 160 + 14 - 10 = 164
Barb 155 + 17 = 172 155 + 17 - 10 = 162
Paul 140 + 28 = 168 140 + 28 - 10 = 158
John 146 + 23 = 169 146 + 23 - 10 = 159
Adam 167 +  9 = 176 167 +  9 - 10 = 166
     ---   --   ---    ---   --   --   ---
      768 + 91 = 859 768 + 91 - 50 = 809

The team must play over 809 to win each game. For a three game series they would also have to play over 2427 (3 x 809) to win the series. If the team does not play over these numbers then the forfeiting team will win the game or the series.

It is important to note that this offset is specified per player on the team. In the example above, there are 5 players and each has an offset of 10. This results in a total offset of 50 being applied to the team total to determine whether the team wins or loses. If the team would like to use a value of 48 instead of 50, there is no way to achieve this with the current design of the program, because 48 is not a multiple of 5. A value of 9 for the Win Forfeit Score would give the team a total offset of 45 (9 * 5 players). A value of 10 results in a total offset of 50 (10 * 5 players). Values between 45 and 50 are not possible. What the user could do however in a case like this would be to use the offset of 10 for the Win Forfeit Score. If the total value of 50 results in a team win being recorded as a loss, or a loss being recorded as a win, the Statistics Editor can be used to make a manual correction to the team wins and losses.

The offset will either be a fixed number of scores (pins in bowling) or a percentage of the current average. You select whether to use a fixed number or a percentage on the Options Tab.